A young person grocery shopping with greens and juice in the cart
A young person grocery shopping with greens and juice in the cart
A young person grocery shopping with greens and juice in the cart

胰腺癌 Nutrition: 12 Pancreatic Diet Tips


被诊断患有 胰腺癌 often find it difficult to maintain their weight and follow a healthy diet. 胰腺是位于腹部的一个器官, 胃后面靠近小肠的, 胆囊和十二指肠. It has an essential role to help convert the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells. Food may not be digested properly if the pancreas is not functioning due to cancer.

The pancreas has two main functions: an exocrine function that helps in digestion of food and an endocrine function that regulates blood sugar. Even if patients continue to eat and digest food normally, pancreatic cancer releases compounds into the bloodstream that break down muscle and fat, 导致患者体重和肌肉质量下降, 也会感到疲劳.

Dietitians work closely with your c是 team to help you maintain good nutrition and maximize your health. They can assess your needs and design a diet plan that best meets your needs, including supplementary insulin or pancreatic enzymes. 营养师也可以帮助你改变稠度, fiber content or fat content of your diet to prevent you from becoming malnourished.


化疗、放疗和 手术 是 治疗 适用于胰腺癌. 不管治疗方式如何, pancreatic cancer takes a toll on the body and a person’s ability to maintain a healthy diet and nutrition. Below 是 some tips patients with pancreatic cancer find helpful to optimize nutrition during and after treatment.

  1. 监测并保持健康的体重. It is normal to lose some weight after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and beginning treatment. Excessive weight loss and poor nutrition can cause a decrease in the body’s ability to fight infection and tolerate treatment. 帮助保持健康体重:

    • 每周称一次体重.
    • Consult your c是 team and dietitian if you 是 losing more than 1 or 2 pounds a week. They can teach you ways to increase calorie and protein intake.
    • Avoid excessive weight loss, and seek help early with your c是 team to optimize nutrition.
  2. 保持水分. Drink enough fluid during cancer treatment to prevent dehydration.

    • 目标是每天喝8杯8盎司(64盎司)的饮料.
    • To avoid feeling full at mealtime, drink fluids one hour before or after a meal.
    • Choose beverages that contain calories and nutrients.
    • Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol, which may lead to dehydration.

  3. 少吃多餐. Frequent small meals will ensure your body has enough nutrients to tolerate treatment. Smaller meals 是 often better tolerated when enduring treatment side effects like nausea and lack of appetite. Consider setting an alarm to eat five to six meals per day every three to four hours.
  4. 每餐都要吃高蛋白食物. Protein-rich foods help the body repair damaged cells and assist the immune system in recovering from illness. Lean proteins 是 easy to digest and should be included with each meal and snack.

    • Baked, grilled or boiled lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish
    • 鸡蛋
    • 坚果黄油,如花生,杏仁或腰果
    • 低脂乳制品,如牛奶、酸奶和奶酪
    • 豆子。
    • 大豆制品/豆腐
    • 蛋白质棒
  5. 考虑使用液体补充剂或奶昔. As a side effect of treatment, sometimes food becomes less palatable or difficult to digest. When it is difficult to eat, liquids 是 easier to digest and can often be better tolerated. 确保这些补品富含蛋白质. Foods that may help increase your caloric intake include:

    • 植物蛋白饮料
    • 骨汤加到汤里
    • 由希腊酸奶或高蛋白牛奶制成的奶昔
    • 浓汤
    • 冰沙
  6. 选择容易消化的食物. Side effects of pancreas cancer treatment can impact digestion. Chopped, soft or boiled foods 是 easier for the body to digest. Avoid foods like red meat, pork or raw vegetables during times when digestion is a challenge.
  7. 选择必需的全谷物食物. Whole grains 是 a good source of energy for the body, providing complex carbohydrates and fiber.

    • 燕麦片
    • 全麦面包
    • 糙米
    • 全谷物面食
    • 碾碎的干
    • 玉米
    • Farro
    • 藜麦
  8. 选择色彩丰富的食物. Whole fruits and vegetables 是 colorful foods high in antioxidants, 哪些可以帮助我们对抗癌症. Eat at least five servings per day of fruits and vegetables.
  9. 包括健康脂肪. 不健康的油炸, greasy and fatty foods may cause digestive issues and increase risk for cardiac disease. 健康y fats such as these provide energy, support cell growth and protect organs:

    • 橄榄油
    • 菜籽油
    • 鳄梨
    • 种子
    • 坚果
    • 富含脂肪的鱼类
  10. 少吃甜食和添加糖. Patients with pancreatic cancer often have trouble digesting foods high in sugar. 比如苏打水, 蛋糕, candy or desserts can increase blood sugar levels and often don’t provide nutritional benefit. Avoid these foods, and replace them with foods of high nutritional value.
  11. 注意排便习惯的变化. 胰腺癌 and 治疗 can often lead to changes in bowel habits including diarrhea, 便秘, 胀气和气体. If you experience changes in your bowel habits, let your health c是 team know. 你可能需要改变你的饮食或药物, or add supplemental pancreatic enzymes taken with meals. These may help with absorption of nutrients and vitamins from your food.
  12. 保持活跃. Exercise can help stimulate appetite and natural endorphins, and staying active may create a sense of well-being and allow you to eat more. When possible, engage with family and friends during mealtime to make the experience more enjoyable.

